Firstly, we’d like to wish you a very Happy New Year!
Unfortunately, it looks like 2021 will be another challenging year for all of us, both personally and from
a Club perspective. However, the Club is in good shape – structurally and financially – and we know
we can be agile and respond to the external environment and challenges that arise.
With the current high level of restrictions that are in place across the UK, all our UK Club Sites are
closed. Greenfields House will open for those staff that are unable to work from home only, and all
Main Committee Meetings, including the February National Council meeting, will take place via Teams.
The majority of our staff will continue to work from home. However, please communicate with all of us
in the same way as you normally would.
In relation to all Club Units, we are asking that all AGMs due to be held between 1 February and
30 April 2021, be held virtually.
We appreciate that Notices of your AGMs have been included in the Club magazine, stating a date,
time and venue. We ask that the date and time remain the same, but that the meeting be held virtually.
You will need to communicate this out to your members via your usual channels, and we will
include a piece in the February and March magazine to highlight that all AGMs will be held
virtually, and not at the venue listed, but on the same date and at the same time.
We understand that many of you will have held remote meetings and be very comfortable with the
process, but that others may not have. We ask that you seek support from your Region/National
Section in running your AGM, if you feel that you need help.
We will take a view on AGMs scheduled to take place from 1 May 2021 in due course.
Thank you for your support through these challenging times.
Bob Talbot, Club Chairman
Sabina Voysey, Director General